Personnel de l'université
Nicolas GINOT
Professeur des universitésCoordonnées
Adresses : IUT de Nantes Département GE&II – Site de Carquefou 2 Avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel, BP 539 - 44475 Carquefou Cedex. Tél : 02 28 09 21 44 Laboratoire IETR (Institut d’Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique) UMR CNRS 6164 Site de la Chantrerie Rue C. Pauc - BP 50609 44306 NANTES CEDEX 3 -FRANCE-
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Power electronics / Analogue electronics
Thèmes de recherche
* Gate Drivers for (Si) IGBT/MOSFET and (SiC) MOSFET. * Communication systems for Gate Driver under high voltage and high dv/dt constraints.
APEC 2023, Technical Session Best Presentation Award Winners : Technical Lecture Award Winner
"Active Clamp Circuit for Online ON-State Voltage Measurement of High Voltage SiC MOSFETs Power Module"
Trophée 2023, A.S. Descamps, C. Batard, N. Ginot, Lauréats trophées de la Valorisation de la Recherche publique du campus d'innovation nantais dans la catégorie Partenariat, projet P4AERO avec la société TRONICO.
APEC 2023, Technical Session Best Presentation Award Winners : Technical Lecture Award Winner
"Active Clamp Circuit for Online ON-State Voltage Measurement of High Voltage SiC MOSFETs Power Module"
Trophée 2023, A.S. Descamps, C. Batard, N. Ginot, Lauréats trophées de la Valorisation de la Recherche publique du campus d'innovation nantais dans la catégorie Partenariat, projet P4AERO avec la société TRONICO.
Activités / CV
* Gate Drivers for Si / SiC / GaN power switches
* Partial Discharges in isolation barrier (gate drivers / transformers / power supplies...)
2001 : Diploma of engineer in power electronics
2004 : PHD thesis in power electronics
2004-07 : ECA Group power electronics engineer, EMI supervisor
2007-15 : Assistant professor (IETR laboratory)
2013 : HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
2015-xx : Professor (IETR laboratory)
* Gate Drivers for Si / SiC / GaN power switches
* Partial Discharges in isolation barrier (gate drivers / transformers / power supplies...)
2001 : Diploma of engineer in power electronics
2004 : PHD thesis in power electronics
2004-07 : ECA Group power electronics engineer, EMI supervisor
2007-15 : Assistant professor (IETR laboratory)
2013 : HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
2015-xx : Professor (IETR laboratory)
Équipe ASIC (Architecture, Systems, Infrastructure and electroniCs).
Exemple de produits développés par l'équipe Gate Drivers :
CAN compatible communication system for WBG Gate Driver.
1MBits/s - 3 kV (12 kV) - 150 kV/µs compliance
3 kV (12 kV) insulated planar transformer for Gate Driver communication channel.
Full Gate Driver for 62mm SiC MOSFET
500 kHz / 4 W per channel / 30 A
Communicating Power-Supply for High Power Gate Drivers (SiC)
2 Channels, 2x25V / 2x4W regulated, 150kV/µs, 1.5kV, Half-Duplex
Smart Gate Driver pour high power SiC inverter
- Up to 1.5kV DC bus / 500kHz switching frequency / 4W per channel / 30A
- Performs measurements close to the power switch and synchronous with the switching orders
- Integrates a half-duplex communicating power supply
- 3.3kV / 500A IPM SiC Gate Driver
- Performs measurements : Vdson 7µs after Switching / Gate Leakage current from 7nA to 100µA
Exemple de produits développés par l'équipe Gate Drivers :
CAN compatible communication system for WBG Gate Driver.
1MBits/s - 3 kV (12 kV) - 150 kV/µs compliance

3 kV (12 kV) insulated planar transformer for Gate Driver communication channel.
Full Gate Driver for 62mm SiC MOSFET
500 kHz / 4 W per channel / 30 A
Communicating Power-Supply for High Power Gate Drivers (SiC)
2 Channels, 2x25V / 2x4W regulated, 150kV/µs, 1.5kV, Half-Duplex
Smart Gate Driver pour high power SiC inverter
- Up to 1.5kV DC bus / 500kHz switching frequency / 4W per channel / 30A
- Performs measurements close to the power switch and synchronous with the switching orders
- Integrates a half-duplex communicating power supply
- 3.3kV / 500A IPM SiC Gate Driver
- Performs measurements : Vdson 7µs after Switching / Gate Leakage current from 7nA to 100µA
Mis à jour le 27 février 2025.